Legal Warning

1. The intellectual property rights of the web, its source code, design, navigation structure, databases and the different elements contained therein are owned by Jorge Villegas Álvarez, who has the exclusive exercise of rights. of exploitation of the same in any form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

2. Viewing, printing and partial downloading of the content of the website is authorized only and exclusively if the following conditions are met:

That it is compatible with the purposes of the web

That it is done with the exclusive aim of obtaining the information contained for personal and private use. Its use for commercial purposes or for its distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation is expressly prohibited.

That none of the content related to this website be modified in any way.

That no graphic, icon or image available on this website be used, copied or distributed separately from the text or other images that accompany it.

3. Jorge Villegas Álvarez reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on its website, its configuration and presentation, and the access conditions.


4. Jorge Villegas Álvarez does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the web, in its content, nor that it is updated, although he will make his best efforts to, where appropriate, avoid, correct or update them.


785 / 5000 Resultados de traducción 5. Both access to this website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the person who performs it. Jorge Villegas Álvarez will not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from said access or use of the information. Jorge Villegas Álvarez is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur or for possible damages that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), the files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of viruses in the user's computer used to connect to the services and contents of the web, of a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of it.


6. Jorge Villegas Álvarez is the owner of the industrial property rights related to his products and services. Regarding the appointments of products and services of third parties, Jorge Villegas Álvarez recognizes in favor of their owners the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, their mere mention or appearance on the web does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility of Jorge Villegas Álvarez regarding The same, as well as endorsement, sponsorship, recommendation by Jorge Villegas Álvarez Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the Jorge Villegas Álvarez website are protected by Law.


7. The unauthorized use of the information contained in this website, its resale, as well as the infringement of the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of Jorge Villegas Álvarez, will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.

8. The personal data that the client provides to Jorge Villegas Álvarez will be used only for the preparation of budgets and these will be deleted after 15 days. In no case are these data incorporated into any database or transferred to third companies.

9. The images used in are original or do not have copyright. In the event that any of them violate these rights, indicate it to and we will remove it from the web.